IR Probe 1.3

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Configuring Marlin

The pullup for the Z_MIN endstop needs to be enabled. Uncomment the line:


The endstop should be set to non-inverting:

 const bool Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.

Enable auto-bed levelling:

 #define ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line)
 #define Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST  // If not commented out, Z-Probe Repeatability test will be included if Auto Bed Leveling is Enabled.

Recommended bed levelling mode is grid:


Adjust the coordinates that define the corners of the probed grid:


Set the grid size:


Configure the probe offset from the nozzle:

 #define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 30     // Probe on: -left  +right
 #define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 0     // Probe on: -front +behind
 #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -1.95  // -below (always!)

Configure homing / probing settings:

 #define Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING 4       // (in mm) Raise Z before homing (G28) for Probe Clearance.
                                       // Be sure you have this distance over your Z_MAX_POS in case
 #define XY_TRAVEL_SPEED 8000         // X and Y axis travel speed between probes, in mm/min
 #define Z_RAISE_BEFORE_PROBING 5   //How much the extruder will be raised before traveling to the first probing point.
 #define Z_RAISE_BETWEEN_PROBINGS 2  //How much the extruder will be raised when traveling from between next probing points
 #define Z_RAISE_AFTER_PROBING 5    //How much the extruder will be raised after the last probing point.

When using a probe instead of an endstop, it's a good idea to enable Z_SAFE_HOMING. This moves the probe to the center of the bed before homing:

 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING   // This feature is meant to avoid Z homing with probe outside the bed area.

By default the point that the probe homes at should be the center of the bed - however some versions of Marlin contain a bug where the probe point is miscalculated. To be safe, you can manually define the probe point:

 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT (100)    // X point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28)
 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT (100)    // Y point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28)