IR Probe 1.4

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IR Probe



These 3D Printer Z-Probes use modulated infra-red LEDs to accurately detect proximity to the print surface, allowing for automatic bed-levelling while printing.

Compared to mechanical probe solutions - such as a servo and microswitch - these boards have the advantage of requiring no moving components, weighing less, and having a higher degree of repeatability and reliability. Compared to inductive or capacitive probes, these boards are less dependent on the material of the print surface, and will even work on glass. Combined with a high degree of immunity from background IR sources, these boards are ideal for nearly any printer build.

We've designed these boards to couple to a standard 30mm fan - this means they're immediately compatible with all E3D-V6 and Lite6 HotEnds, mounting directly to the fan with no modification or adaptor necessary. Additionally, these boards use a lightweight cable with a compact connector, in order to make wiring as easy as possible.

To mount to a printer without a suitable 30mm fan, all that is required are two screw holes. These should be spaced 24mm apart horizontally, and at a distance of 22mm above the tip of the nozzle. See the attached mechanical drawings for further information.

These probes will trigger at a distance of 3mm from the print surface. Recommended mounting height is that the bottom edge of the PCB be 1-2mm above the tip of the nozzle, and the probe's Z-offset can be tweaked in firmware to achieve the desired bed-levelling results.


  • Dimensions: 30.00x23.75mm
  • Weight: 2.5g (excluding cable)
  • Trigger distance: 3mm from edge of PCB
  • Trigger Repeatability: 0.005mm (5µm) Standard Deviation
  • Included Cable Length: 100cm

Improvements from 1.3

Compact Form Factor

  • capacitor C1 decreased in height to reduce profile of board, easier to fit probe in tight spaces
  • smaller JST-SH connector used, connector no longer protrudes from body of probe

Selectable Digital or Analog Output

  • separate output pins for both modes
  • mode no longer dependent on automatic detection of control board

Improved Control Board Compatibility

  • strong pull-ups on certain control boards no longer prevent probe from working

General Improvements

  • faster boot time (<1s instead of 6s)

Backwards Compatibility

V1.4 is largely backwards compatible with V1.3. The mechanical mounting holes and dimensions are identical, and all mounting arrangements for V1.3 should work fine with V1.4.

Notably, the provided cable is different, so a re-wire may be necessary to swap to V1.4.

HotEnd Compatibility

These are the HotEnds we've tested with or had reports of success with. If you're interested in trying something different, or if you've tried a different HotEnd with our probe, let us know how it went!

HotEnd Compatible Adaptor Required Notes
E3D-V6 Yes No Mounts to fan duct with existing screws
E3D-Lite6 Yes No Mounts to fan duct with existing screws
E3D Chimera Yes No Mounts to fan duct with existing screws
E3D Cyclops Yes No Mounts to fan duct with existing screws
E3D-V6 or Lite6 with Volcano Yes Yes Printable adaptor available here.
Mark8 Extruder + Hotend Combination Yes Yes Printable adaptor available here.

Electronics Compatibility

These are the boards we have tested the probe with. It is likely the probe is compatible with other boards as well - if you try a different control board and it works, let us know so we can add it to the list.

Motherboard Electronics Compatible Connector Compatible Notes
RAMPS Yes Yes Connect to Z-min endstop, leave 4th pin (yellow) disconnected
RAMBO Yes Yes Connect to Z-min endstop, leave 4th pin (yellow) disconnected
RUMBA Yes Yes Connect to Z-min endstop, leave 4th pin (yellow) disconnected
Smoothieboard Yes Yes Connect to Z-min endstop, leave 4th pin (yellow) disconnected
Melzi Yes No Wires must be cut for screw terminals, and 5V wired to separate pin. Wiring sketch included below
Duet Yes No Need to change order of pins in connector to suit, simple to do though
Azteeg X5 Mini Yes No Wires must be cut for screw terminals
MKS Gen / Base Boards Yes No Some boards need different connector

Configuring Marlin

1.1.0-RC4 onwards

The pullup for the probe connection needs to be enabled. If you are using an endstop pin (like Z_MIN), make sure this line is enabled:


If you need pullups disabled on other endstops, leave the above line disabled and instead enable the specific pullup in the block below, such as:

// coarse Endstop Settings

  //#define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors
    // fine endstop settings: Individual pullups. will be ignored if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined

The probe registers logic-high when triggered, and logic-low when not triggered. This is similar behaviour to a normally-open switch with pullups, and is non-inverting behaviour - so make sure that the inverting setting is disabled for the pin you are using:

  #define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false 

Now we need to configure the probe settings. First is the probe type. These probes have no moving parts, and do not require a servo motor to activate, so they are considered a fixed probe - the easiest type to configure. Uncomment the line:


Next the XY offset between the nozzle and the probe needs to be set. This is done with the lines:


Offset will vary from one hardware setup to the next, and you may have to measure it to get accurate numbers. When the probe is mounted to an E3D V6 / Lite6 HotEnd's fan duct, the probe is 30mm from the nozzle in one axis and 0mm in the other. So for instance, the offset values may be:


This is assuming that the fan and probe are oriented to the 'front' of the printer. If they face sideways, the offsets may be swapped. If they face towards the back instead of the front, the Y offset would be positive, not negative. Refer to the notes in Marlin's configuration file for more details on the probe offset.

If you know the Z offset at this point (for instance, if you've set up the probe on your printer before and have experimentally found the offset) then you can configure it here:


If you do not know the offset value, you should leave this offset at 0 for now.

If you are using the probe as your Z endstop, the probe will need to be on the Z_MIN endstop pin. To use this pin for both homing and probing, enable the line:


You may want to enable the repeatability test for later use:


You may adjust the deploy and travel height options if you'd like. The default options will work, though they can be made smaller (and hence the probing process faster) if you'd like. The exact numbers will depend on how even your bed is and how the probe is mounted, so if in doubt just use the default values.

Now that the probe is configured, we need to move on to the section on configuring the Bed Auto Leveling. Enable the line:


At the time of writing, 'grid' mode is preferable to '3-point' mode. Ensure that this mode is enabled:


Now we need to define the outermost points of the grid to be probed. If we are only probing 4 points (2x2) these will be the points probed. We want to maximise the area probed but need to consider that there is an offset between the nozzle and the probe. For instance, if you're nozzle can travel 200mm in the X axis, and the probe is mounted to the left of the nozzle with an offset of 30mm, the farthest in the X axis we can probe is 170mm.

To keep things even, you could use the dimensions of your print area / bed, shrunken by the maximum offset in any axis. For instance, for a probe mounted in with a 30mm offset and 200mm bed, you might use the settings:


Allowing the 30mm offset + 5mm headroom (to avoid hitting the min endstops or axis limits) in each axis. It's usually a good idea to maximise the area probed if possible. In the above example, if the probe is infront of the nozzle (offset in Y but not X) we could adjust the positions on the X axis like so:


Once the grid bounds have been set, we can select the number of points to be probed. Usually 2x2 is sufficient for most bed sizes and configurations. If your bed is particularly un-even, or otherwise tricky to level, you might consider increasing to 3x3 or even 4x4 grid points. More grid points will take a significantly longer time, and probing will be done before each print - so usually 2x2 or 3x3 are good settings to use.


If you are using the probe to home your Z axis (as we assume in this setup), you should enable Z safe homing. This ensures that the probe is always within the bounds of the bed when homing the Z axis - otherwise the probe might be outside the bed and fail to trigger. Enable this feature:

  #define Z_SAFE_HOMING

This is all of the configuration needed in the firmware to start using the probe. Depending on your machine, you may want to tweak the homing rates, grid bounds, or raise heights later.

Pre 1.1.0-RC4

The pullup for the Z_MIN endstop needs to be enabled. Uncomment the line:


The endstop should be set to non-inverting:

 const bool Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.

Enable auto-bed levelling:

 #define ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line)
 #define Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST  // If not commented out, Z-Probe Repeatability test will be included if Auto Bed Leveling is Enabled.

Recommended bed levelling mode is grid:


Adjust the coordinates that define the corners of the probed grid:


Set the grid size:


Configure the probe offset from the nozzle:

 #define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 30     // Probe on: -left  +right
 #define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 0     // Probe on: -front +behind
 #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -1.95  // -below (always!)

Configure homing / probing settings:

 #define Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING 4       // (in mm) Raise Z before homing (G28) for Probe Clearance.
                                       // Be sure you have this distance over your Z_MAX_POS in case
 #define XY_TRAVEL_SPEED 8000         // X and Y axis travel speed between probes, in mm/min
 #define Z_RAISE_BEFORE_PROBING 5   //How much the extruder will be raised before traveling to the first probing point.
 #define Z_RAISE_BETWEEN_PROBINGS 2  //How much the extruder will be raised when traveling from between next probing points
 #define Z_RAISE_AFTER_PROBING 5    //How much the extruder will be raised after the last probing point.

When using a probe instead of an endstop, it's a good idea to enable Z_SAFE_HOMING. This moves the probe to the center of the bed before homing:

 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING   // This feature is meant to avoid Z homing with probe outside the bed area.

By default the point that the probe homes at should be the center of the bed - however some versions of Marlin contain a bug where the probe point is miscalculated. To be safe, you can manually define the probe point:

 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT (100)    // X point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28)
 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT (100)    // Y point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28)



Each IR Z Probe comes with a cable that will connect directly to the endstop pins on these control boards. No modification should be required. Make sure to align and orient the connector correctly - the red wire should match the '+' indicator on the board.

Azteeg X5 Mini

Screw terminals are used to connect bare wires to the X5 for all endstops. The included cable will need the connector removed / cut off, and each wire stripped back to allow connection.


After receiving power the on-board LED will flash twice, indicating the board is ready for use.

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Mounting Drawing Wiring Melzi


STL Placeholder / Model of IR Probe V1.4 (Thingiverse)

Printable mount for MaxMicron printers (Thingiverse)

Printable mount for MK8 Extruder + Hotend combo (Thingiverse)

Printable mount for MK8 Extruder + Hotend combo (Thingiverse)

Printable mount for NEMA-17 motors (Thingiverse)

Printable mount for E3D Volcano (GitHub)