Mark2 Assembly

From Aus3D Wiki
Revision as of 18:57, 4 September 2015 by Chris (talk | contribs)
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Getting Started

First things first - thanks for your support! We appreciate your business, and hope that your experience with our printer is a happy and productive one! If you get stuck, and you can't find the answer you need here, feel free to contact us - we'd be happy to help!

To get started, find yourself a nice, open space to work - a table or workbench is ideal. Open up your kit, and grab all of the included parts out and arrange them nearby. After unboxing everything, take the time to compare the included bill-of-materials (BOM) against the contents of the kit. We work hard to make sure everything you need is in the box, but it's good to double check. Many components come inside one of the labelled boxes - if you're having trouble finding a part, check the BOM to find out which box it should be in.

Once you've got that sorted, it's time to get the acrylic parts ready. You'll want to peel the protective paper coating off of the acrylic before putting the printer together. Using a sharp knife or fine pair of tweezers can make it easier to separate the paper from the acrylic. This can take a little while - whether you want to do it all in one go, or bit-by-bit as you assemble the printer is up to you.

General Notes

Here are a few important notes before we proceed with assembly.

Our acrylic frame is as sturdy as they come, but over-tightened screws can still cause damage. Spring washers significantly reduce the chance of damage, and ensure that bolts stay tight long after assembly. Be sure to use one of the included spring-washers on every bolt that comes into contact with the Acrylic frame.

Test all linear bearings before using them by running them along one of the included smooth rods - sometimes they have too much grease applied internally, which can make them resistant at first. If this is the case, rinse the bearing under water briefly, dry as best as possible, and try running along the smooth rod again. Over time the grease will spread through the bearing, making them smoother - running the bearing along the rod a few times may help. Generally, after rinsing and some motion, the bearings should be smooth enough to move under gravity when the rod is held vertically.

Main Frame Assembly

Extruder Assembly (Single Extruder)

Extruder Assembly (Dual Extruder)